Facial Hair
I was asking Joseph questions about the appearances of his girlfriend’s family. “Does her dad have facial hair?”
J: “I mean, yeah, but he shaves it.”
J (age 16): Which ocean is this?
Me: The Atlantic.
J: Oh yeah.
Joseph (age 16): What time is “quarter to one?”
Interesting design choice
Maddie (13): Mom, why does our garage have so many lines and dots?
Me: Um…that’s joint compound, honey. It covers where the drywall meets or where screws are (or in this case nails, because it’s built poorly)
Maddie: Ohhh! Thanks for explaining that to me. I’ve been wondering that a while.
Me: Sure thing, Mads
Although obstinate would also work…
Me: Joseph, you’re being obstinate.
Joseph (aged 16): Isn’t that where you don’t have sex?
Me: That’s being abstinent.
Joseph and I were talking about music. (Our tastes overlap in zero categories.) I said, “I just really hate country music.”
Quick as a whip, Annika pipes up, “What about city music?”
Maddie and I were looking at a bikini top on Target’s website. Noah says, “Ooh nice. Should I get a matching bikini?”
Quick as a whip, Annika pipes up, “That’d be a BIGkini!”
N-scale Chicken
Joseph says, “You guys, I’ve done it. I’ve made an N-scale chicken.”
Mom Com
Annika says, “I brought you some water with ice and I found these mom comics, so you can relax!”
Grandma: Annika, have you been practicing riding your bike?
Annika: I’ve been practicing it in my mind.
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