Joseph: Poopy! Toots!
Siri: Let’s keep it clean here, ok?
Joseph: Bwhaaahaa! Bummytooty!
Siri: That’s not nice.
Joseph: pooptyhdeth gfdyijvxduo hjdeijnjioo bbkoyrdghjk kgfuojvnml smelly
Me: Joseph, she can’t register all tha—
Siri: Ok, here’s what I found on the web for “pooptyhdeth gfdyijvxduo hjdeijnjioo bbkoyrdghjk kgfuojvnml smelly”
Joseph: Poopy fart!
Siri: Your language!
Joseph: I want to invite you to dinner.
Siri: I see 13 restaurants a little ways from you. Would you like to hear the whole list?
Joseph: I want to hear the whole list.
Siri: Opening iTunes Radio…


