The reason for English settlements were money, land and raw materials. (image: King saying, “I want my money!”)
The Virginia Company were stockholders, aka old rich dudes. (image: tombstone that says: RIP Old Rich Dude, aka Stockholder)
The settlers chose the site because they thought it had good water and good land. (image: map)
The problem with the site the settlers chose were the water was stagnant, the soil was marshy. (image: a glass of dirty water with flies buzzing above it and a guy saying, “Eeewww.”)
The hardships that the settlers faced were they sent all the men and no women, they forgot to save any food for themselves, and the rats ate all the food they had saved. (image: a mouse stealing a cob of corn and a guy saying “Hey!!”)
The changes that helped the settlers survive were John Smith took charge and a supply ship showed up right as the settlers left. (image: two ships passing and one saying, “Hi.”)
My goodness! Can he be old enough to grasp this? I am impressed!
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