I have an after-school meeting with the kids. 10 minutes in the rarely-used living room to have a snack, get forms signed, report on school, and discuss the plan for the remainder of the day before I let them loose and return to work.
“And new business to report?”
“Yes,” said Joseph. “We did science today! And we had to design our own boats out of foil and see whose boat floated best as we added pennies to it.”
“That’s definitely a project right up your alley if I’ve ever heard one! How’d yours do?”
“Well, we ran out of pennies, if that tells you. 219 and still floating. The second place group made it to 100 or so.”
“What was your design?”
“A bowl.”
“Whose idea was that?”
“Mine.” He smiles. He knows I knew that answer already.
(After more discussion about the design, a better description would be that it had a flat, circular bottom with tall sides.)
I love your idea of an after-school meeting in the living room.