Math + Cookies
So if you have 4 cookies across by 5, how many do you have? (blank stare) Think of four 5s…five and five is… “Ten!” And another five and five… “Ten…twenty!” Right…20…so if we do 5 pans, we’ll have… “Five twos…” Or two fives… “100 cookies!”
“You tied a knot in my brain and my brain untied it!”
Now if you make 4 tiny pans of 4 tiny cookies… “16!”
A Taste of Christmas
I made Peruvian chicken, with yellow rice and black beans on the side. The rice had turmeric, coriander and saffron in it (three flavors the kids aren’t used to), plus cumin and cinnamon, so I wasn’t sure how it would go over. I asked them if they liked it.
“It’s really good, mom!” said Maddie.
Joseph said, “It’s good! It tastes like a Christmas thrift shop!”
New Baby in Real Life
We welcomed new little sister, Annika Eileen, on May 19th. The kids spent a lot of time watching and feeling my growing belly (“baby movements time!” followed story time in the evenings) and imagining what it would be like when she arrived.
When the day was finally here, Noah asked Joseph if he wanted to go to the hospital to see the baby. He said, “You mean see her–in real life?!”
You’d be hard-pressed to find two prouder or more doting siblings than these two.
Joseph: Mom, I’m going to start to be a teenager.
Me: What does that mean?
J: It means you walk like this…(he demonstrates, walking slowly while swinging his arms), and saying things are “swag.”
Me: Swag? What does that mean?
J: It can mean free stuff or just things are cool. Ya know–swag.
Me: Ok. Well goodnight. Do I still get a hug and kiss goodnight even if you are a teenager?
J: Yes, of course!
Me: Oh, whew.
He says goodnight then comes back a minute later, teenager-swag-walking into the family room.
Me: Come back to get your stuffed animal to cuddle with?
J (smiling): Yeah.
He picks up his beloved Daisy, the stuffed ocelot, gives her a hug, and teenager-walks out.
(Teenager walk demo:) [wpvideo p6TqSU1i]
Another night… Joseph comes to say goodnight.
Me: You smell nice.
J: Thanks. You know why? I used that 2-in-1 shampoo all over!
Me: It’s better to just use that on your hair, there’s other kind of soap in there for your body.
J: Look at us, talking about soaps! I really am a teenager.
When I Grow Up
Maddie: I’m going to be a spy when I get big.
Joseph: Maddie, you know being a spy takes more than just looking at stuff through a magnifying glass. You have to carry suicide pills everywhere you go! It’s a dangerous job!
Me: I’m sure there are safer types of spies.
Joseph: No mom, every spy agency would make you have those pills and–
Me: Ok well, anyway Maddie, I thought you were going to be an artist.
Maddie: Well, if I don’t like being an artist, then I’ll just be something else. Like a spy.
Me: And how about you, Joseph?
Joseph: A flight attendant.
Me: Oh?
Joseph: Yeah, I mean, you get to talk into that phone speaker thing. And hand out snacks. And drinks. Seems pretty easy. You get to go places…yeah…pretty easy.
Maddie: Today we learned about recycling.
Me: Oh yeah? What did you learn?
Maddie: I learned you can recycle cats!
Me: Cats?! How do you do that?
Maddie: I don’t know. But someone of Ms. Vicki’s, they use the same paper plate for 3 weeks! And a napkin, for 3 weeks!
Me: Impressive. What else did you learn?
Maddie: You can go to the replacement store and get the lens of your sunglasses replaced.
Me: Really? And that’s recycling?
Maddie: Yeah. And they said, string…and water.
Me: What about the cats? I want to know how you recycle cats.
Maddie: I don’t know. How do you recycle water? And string? I still do not know how you recycle cats. That was Jackson’s suggestion.
Me: What was your suggestion?
Maddie: Bottles. And caps. Not the kind of caps you wear on your head though, the kind for a bottle.
Me: Why were you learning about recycling?
Maddie: I don’t know.
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