Name Change

Joseph: Mom, how old do you have to be to change your name?

Me: 18. Why?

Joseph: I want to change my name to Jacob.

Me: Why?

Joseph: I think Jacob suits me better.

Maddie: I am going to change my name to Madeluto!



Me: My word was ‘dud’ … do you know what that means?

J: It’s like a popcorn kernel that didn’t pop.

Me: Right, or a firework that didn’t go off.

J: Or a person who was going to be born but didn’t make it.

Me: Umm…


Maddie’s Musings

Sometimes cows are magic. Sometimes they aren’t.

I saw an asteroid almost hit the planet yesterday when we were coming inside from recess. Good thing it didn’t destroy the earth.

Some people are allergic to fog. Some–to bees.



Boat Building

Maddie: I’m building a boat community.
Me: What does community mean?
Maddie: It means you are good at building boats that are cool.


Special Delivery

J: I want to go to England to see [Minecraft YouTuber] DanTDM!

R: You could write him a letter, he puts an address on his videos.

J: What?! Then the mailman would have to go all the way to England!



Mom, do you like the Redskins baseball team? I made this necklace with their colors.


Joseph Writes: Foxes

This page, along with a blank sheet of paper and a pencil, was dropped down from upstairs…

  “Nevermind that. Draw your best fox! And put it on my bedside table.”

 “My best fox. (Not blood.) Comment: dumb/good/legendary.”

My best fox:  

Joseph Writes: Signage


“No girls except mom. That means you, Maddie!” 

Poor little sister!  No worries, I made a few edits:


Fun Marks

Mads: Mom, can I add those lines with the dots?

Me: An exclamation mark. Sure, go for it.

Mads: I call those fun marks cause they add extra fun and I like to have fun and Ava likes to have fun. So–fun marks!

Argh, Gimme Yer Keys

Advice from Maddie…Do NOT put your keys next to a pirate because “if you put the keys next to a pirate then the pirate will take the keys away because it has golden on the bottom and pirates like golden.”

 [wpvideo 2gsjPGU7] 

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