Maddie Morning

Maddie got dressed and skipped out of her room saying, “I feel lovely!”


All Tucked In

Joseph, will you take your animals out of your shoes in that cradle?

Well, the animals fit in them perfectly and plus, they are clean and smell like hot dogs and I like my animals to smell like hot dogs.

“Mother Nature has more gifts than the internet.”   -Joseph 


All Hail, Reader

“Readers are letters?!”


“Readers are…learners?”

“Sure that’s your name on there?”

“Readers are leaders!”

“There ya go.”

Root Beer

Joseph: I had a whole beer jar of root beer!

Me: A bottle?

J: Yeah. A whole bottle!



Me: Joseph, what is wet on the counter over here?

J: That’s where I poured milk.

Me: If you spill it, you need to wipe it up.

J: I did.

Me: Why is it still wet then?

J: Because I wiped it with a placemat.


We’re All Winners

Mads: Mom, I had a dream about God. He had 415 trophies and gave one to everyone. But he kept one for his daughter and ones for his two doggies and ones for his mom and dad.

Me: Why did everyone get trophies?

Mads: Because they won.

Me: Everyone won everything?

Mads: Yeah.



Me: What have you guys been doing down here?

J: Talking. We talked so much that we used up our movie time.

Me: Oh yeah?  Chatting away and lost track of time, eh?  What have you been talking about?

J: Where we’re from.

Me: Oh. And where are you from?

J: The suburbs.

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