Family History, by Maddie

When we talk about something that happened before she was born, Maddie asks, “But where was I?” Answers vary from the standard “you weren’t born yet” to “twinkle in mommy’s eye” or “a tiny cell…sort of” … none of which make sense to her, of course. “But…where WAS I?” she usually responds. She thinks about her place in the world, and just how the whole life thing works. Both she and Joseph have expressed the idea that you are little then you get big then you get little again–the adults become kids again, taken care of by the kids who are now adults. Not far off, really!

That my parents are her grandparents is another topic she is working to figure out. Apparently she has been pondering this family timeline recently. In the car this morning, Maddie says, “You and daddy had your first wedding to get married and all your friends came. Then you went home and decided to have a baby. Then Joseph was born then you decided to have a girl one. That’s me! Then I was born. And when you were a little girl you had a mommy and daddy and that is grandma and grandpa and you lived in their house and they took care of you. Right?”

“Pretty much!”


Maddie’s Sport

Maddie and Noah were tossing a whiffleball back and forth. She can throw pretty well.

“So, Mads, what’s your sport going to be?” I say.
“I want to have green shirts.”
“Ok, but for which sport?”
“Seventeen. Is that old?”
“I’ll be three then.”
“Sounds good.”


Blanket Love

J: You know why I love this blanket? Cause it hugs you like a mom.



Joseph and I have been talking about the correct use of the word literally. Eating his bagel with butter this morning, he says:

Mom, I literally have butter fingers!


Bad Manners

Maddie: What if you had to go to the hospital if you had bad manners!
Me: What would they do at the hospital?
Maddie: Fix your bad manners!

(If only!)



On the topic of crushes…after reading a Berenstain Bears book…

Joseph: Well, I will never like girls!
Maddie: How about boys?
Joseph: Yeah only boys will be my friends, not girls.
Me: Well, if you do ever like girls, I won’t tease you.
Maddie: But I will!
Joseph, whispering to me: Well, I do have a crush on a girl in my class. But she’s the only girl I like.


Trying Out Some Pickup Lines

Joseph: Poopy! Toots!
Siri: Let’s keep it clean here, ok?
Joseph: Bwhaaahaa! Bummytooty!
Siri: That’s not nice.
Joseph: pooptyhdeth gfdyijvxduo hjdeijnjioo bbkoyrdghjk kgfuojvnml smelly
Me: Joseph, she can’t register all tha—
Siri: Ok, here’s what I found on the web for “pooptyhdeth gfdyijvxduo hjdeijnjioo bbkoyrdghjk kgfuojvnml smelly”
Joseph: Poopy fart!
Siri: Your language!
Joseph: I want to invite you to dinner.
Siri: I see 13 restaurants a little ways from you. Would you like to hear the whole list?
Joseph: I want to hear the whole list.
Siri: Opening iTunes Radio…




Joseph Writes: Feelings

“You deserve coal!!!”

(Not happy about having to put away his clean, folded clothes, he pushed the pile onto the floor… I told him now he would need to fold them then put them away. He wasn’t too happy about this.)

Kids’ Lingo

I minded it up. (Maddie)
(Thought or imagined)

Night sun. (Maddie)
(Sun rising in dark clouds)

Juice ice cream. (Joseph)

Pringongs. (Joseph)
(The greasy mist steaming off a hot pan put under water)

Behaving > Being haved (all)

Fivving Room (Annika)

Sawl (saw) and fawlcet (faucet) (Joseph)

Big Kids (what we call M and J, A days it too: Big kids, come eat!)

When I get small (idea that you stop getting bigger and then get smaller at some point, and the the adults will be the kids and kids will be adults)

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