When I Grow Up
Me: Maddie, what do you think you might want to be when you grow up?
Maddie: A mommy. Like you.
Me: Really? That’d be great. Do you think it’s easy or hard to be a mommy?
Maddie: Hard.
Me: What will you do when you’re a mommy?
Maddie: I’ll do like you do and make dinner…for my little girl like you make dinner for me.
Tooth Concerns
Me: Oh, my tooth hurts.
Maddie (hesitantly): Do you want me to kiss it?
Me: Thanks, Mads, but maybe you could kiss my cheek instead.
Maddie (relieved): ok.
(Later that day.)
Noah: Mommy got her tooth pulled.
Maddie: Does she still have a tongue? She needs her teeth to eat with!
(She came home afraid to approach me but very interested to see the pulled tooth, which of course I brought home to show the kids. I’ll spare you the photo of that!)
A Time to Disobey
J: Mom! The leprechaun left green footprints and green pee in the toilet and stickers and…THIS! A fruit roll-up!!! Can I have it now? (6am)
Me: No. What? No.
J: Mom–pleeeeeaaaase. I always obey you. But now, I’m going to have to disobey you. I really want it, so the time has come–the time, for me–for me to disobey. (Ba-ba-buuuhhhh) I’m gonna do it. I’m going to–disobey! And you can’t stop me.
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