Out Into It

"Mom, the world isn't so bad if you just get out into it." (Joseph)

New Flavor

"There should be cone-flavored ice cream! Wait. Nah, that wouldn't be good."

Mornings at School

“So, I get there, put my backpack away,  take down my chair and sit at my desk. Get out my morning work.  It just feels good, you know, to be combobulated.”

Joseph Writes: Questionable Morals

“My mom told me, ‘Don’t try to please everyone’ at a dinner party when everyone kept asking me to pass things. I couldn’t keep up and everyone got agitated.” 

Such demands placed on a wee dinner party attendee! It’s a good thing he has my sage advice to guide him through trying times.

Maddie’s Stash

Me: Maddie, you still have candy from Easter?

Joseph: Maddie’s eating radius is 10 years.

Joseph has always eaten the treats out of the plastic eggs as he finds them. Maddie, on the other hand, can stretch her cache clear through to that same holiday the next year.

Grown up

Joseph, you look older today, more grown up!

Well, yeah I guess, except for the fact that I’m wearing a t-shirt with a robot riding a dinosaur. 

Backup Shirt

Me: Joseph, you can’t wear that green Minecraft shirt again.

Joseph: No problem, that’s why I brought down a backup! (He takes off the green shirt and unfolds the yellow one he knows will pass.) I know you too well, mom.

Travel Plans

“Mom, can we go visit Ancient Greece some time?”

Angry Mommies

Maddie looked up at the big electrical towers holding up cables and stretching up the mountain.
“Those look like an angry mommies.”

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